Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Prepping the Garden

The past few weeks I have been adding a few mixes to the garden boxes. A healthy amount of Paet, Vermiculite, and Organic potting soil. I think I went to high on the peat. I have turned it over several times to really mix it together. Read some interesting articles about the bad results of roto tilling breaking down the soil too much. I didn't go that far! I am generally following the Square Foot Gardening method. Have my grid all laid out. Not sure who built the raised boxes, but 29 inches? really??

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dayhike up Table Mountain

Lovely afternoon for a winter dayhike in the foothills overlooking Boise. You can see the big white cross and various radio and cell towers from nearly everywhere in Boise. This is my first journey up here. A short but relatively steep in places, day hike takes about an hour to reach the top. We started from the Old Penitentiary. The plan was to search for GeoCaches but my iphone gps was messing up. We found one by shear luck and 'cheating' - saw someone else rummaging in the underbrush off trail; waited until they left then poked around and found it! Still have a 'real' GPS device on the wish list. The view from the top is a nice overlook on the city. Bet it would like great at twilight or even at night to see the twinkling lights.